Herausgeber (verantwortlich)
GFMK GmbH & Co. KG
Handelsregister-Nr. HRA 20746
Amtsgericht Köln
USt-IdNr.: DE813117900
Geschäftsführer: Holger F. Caspari
Gezelinallee 37 – 39
51375 Leverkusen
Telefon: 02 14 / 3 10 57 – 0
Telefax: 02 14/ 3 10 57 – 19
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Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV:
Holger F. Caspari
Telefon: 0 22 02/1 88 98-0
Layout, Umsetzung: GFMK GmbH & Co. KG
Texte: Barbara Kliem
Fotos, Abbildungen:
Fatigue: B-D-S/Bigstock.com (13020503)
Entstehung: Marta_Photo/Bigstock.com (21146951)
Diagnose: endomotion/Bigstock.com (633353)
Therapie: l i g h t p o e t/Bigstock.com (44059882)
Wissenswertes: dolgachov/Bigstock.com (43158991)
It is often difficult to distinct fatigue from general tiredness and exhaustion. A general gradation of tiredness does not exist. The judgement of the patient and the surrounding’s observation are the most significant criteria for a firm diagnosis.
A comprehensive conversation between patient and doctor is essential for the diagnosis of fatigue. Due to the fact that all patients react differently to the symptoms of chronic diseases and the therapeutic measures that are prescribed to cure them, most patients do not identify the exhaustion as a treatable symptom but as a necessary side affect to deal with.
In order to treat the lack of blood (anaemia), either red blood cells are administered to the body in a transfusion or the body’s own production of red blood cells is stimulated with hormones. Both methods lead to a quick multiplication of oxygen in the blood and, for this reason, to an increase of a person’s energy and productivity.
If the fatigue is caused by muscle weaknesses, a systematic exercise programme can be used for therapy. Endurance sports like jogging, swimming and cycling are effective means of exercise for fatigue patients.
“Fatigue” is the French word for tiredness or exhaustion and is also being called languidness or lassitude. It designates an exhaustion symptom which occurs with chronic diseases. As it is perceived by the patient and not visually noticeable to others it is a symptom opposed to a medical sign and primarily used in connection with cancer. It describes a feeling of sustained tiredness and listlessness that has an impact on the daily life of the concerned persons. In despite of sufficient sleep the patient feels weak, exhausted and overstrained.